18+ years

Nasal Surgery

It is an operation to change the shape, width, or profile of your nose.

It is an operation to change the appearance of your nose. It can change the nose’s shape, width, or profile. It can also correct septum deviation if present (septum is what separates the two nostrils). This may help you breath and sleep better. The definite nasal surgery is done in adulthood when the growth had stopped and the jaw surgery had been performed if needed, however, sometimes surgical intervention is needed at school age to improve the appearance of the nose.

There are many different kinds of procedures and techniques that the surgeon can used during you nose surgery.  Usually, the surgery is done under general anesthesia, with a small cut on the skin between the nostrils. After the surgery, you may wake up with a splint or a pack in your nostrils, and some bruising and/or swelling. Breathing might also feel different until the swelling is reduced.  Your surgeon will advise you on how long the splint may stay in before you are ready for it to be removed.  You will need to stay in the hospital for few days after. Most of the swelling will reduce within few weeks after surgery, but there will be a gradual change in your appearance for up to a year to reach the permanent outcome.

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